24 ChatGPT prompts that'll make your business an overnight success:
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1. The 10x Rule
Prompt: "Utilize the 10x Rule to assess [my product/business]. Examine how setting extremely high goals can lead to unprecedented results."
2. The Law of Double Jeopardy
Prompt: "Utilize the Law of Double Jeopardy to assess [my product/business]. Consider how market share is positively correlated with customer loyalty."
3. The Skyscraper Technique
Prompt: "Apply the Skyscraper Technique to evaluate [my product/business]. Consider how creating better content than competitors can drive more traffic."
4. The Freemium Model
Prompt: "Apply the Freemium Model to evaluate [my product/business]. Examine how offering basic services for free can lead to premium paid services."
5. The Network Effect
Prompt: "Utilize the Network Effect to assess [my product/business]. Consider how adding more users increases the value of your service or product."
6. The Law of Diffusion of Innovation Prompt:
"Use the Law of Diffusion of Innovation to analyze [my product/business]. Identify which category of consumers you should target for maximum growth."
7. The Razor and Blades Model Prompt:
"Apply the Razor and Blades Model to evaluate [my product/business]. Examine how selling one item at a low price could lead to recurring sales of complementary items."
8. The Upsell Technique Prompt:
"Utilize the Upsell Technique to assess [my product/business]. Consider how you can encourage customers to purchase a more expensive version of the item they’re interested in."
9. The Downsell Technique Prompt:
"Use the Downsell Technique to analyze [my product/business]. Examine how offering a less expensive alternative can salvage a sale that might otherwise be lost."
10. The Reverse Engineering Strategy Prompt:
"Utilize the Reverse Engineering Strategy to assess [my product/business]. Examine how studying successful competitors can help improve your own strategies."
11. The Snowball Effect Prompt:
"Use the Snowball Effect to analyze [my product/business]. Consider how small actions can lead to significant results over time."
12. The Long Tail Strategy Prompt:
"Apply the Long Tail Strategy to evaluate [my product/business]. Examine how catering to niche markets can aggregate into substantial sales."
13. The Blue Ocean Strategy Prompt:
"Utilize the Blue Ocean Strategy to assess [my product/business]. Consider how creating a new market space can make competition irrelevant."
14. The Red Queen Effect Prompt:
"Use the Red Queen Effect to analyze [my product/business]. Examine how continual development is necessary to maintain a competitive edge."
15. The Flywheel Effect Prompt:
"Apply the Flywheel Effect to evaluate [my product/business]. Consider how various parts of your business contribute to a self-reinforcing loop of growth."
16. The Judo Business Strategy Prompt:
"Use the Judo Business Strategy to analyze [my product/business]. Consider how you can use larger competitors' strengths against them."
17. The Lock-in Effect Prompt:
"Apply the Lock-in Effect to evaluate [my product/business]. Examine how making customers dependent on your ecosystem can lead to recurring revenue."
18. The Kano Model Prompt:
"Utilize the Kano Model to assess [my product/business]. Examine how different features contribute to customer satisfaction."
19. The Hook Model Prompt:
"Apply the Hook Model to evaluate [my product/business]. Consider how a loop of triggers and rewards can lead to habit-forming products."
20. The Rolling Launch Strategy Prompt:
"Utilize the Rolling Launch Strategy to assess [my product/business]. Examine how staggered releases can maintain public interest."
21. The Zero to One Strategy Prompt:
"Use the Zero to One Strategy to analyze [my product/business]. Consider how creating something entirely new can give you a monopolistic advantage."
22. The OMTM (One Metric That Matters) Prompt:
"Apply the OMTM to evaluate [my product/business]. Identify the single most important metric that you should focus on right now."
23. The Nudge Theory Prompt:
"Utilize the Nudge Theory to assess [my product/business]. Consider how small encouragements can lead to desired actions."
24. The Recurring Revenue Model Prompt:
"Use the Recurring Revenue Model to analyze [my product/business]. Examine how subscription-based or ongoing payment structures can stabilize income."